Grain storage and elevator services
The group's core business is grain storage and processing. CBS commodities is full time partner of the Moscow Commodity Exchange, which allows us to trade both our own products and the products of other commodity holders on the specified terms and conditions

Preferential storage
conditions for agricultural producers

Fast shipments

Our ability to efficiently control raw material costs is facilitated by our prime location in relation to agricultural producers and extensive network of logistic routes.
We purchase grain from agricultural producers
Sunflower, soybean and rapeseed seeds come from the North-Western, Southern, Volga, Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts.

We deliver it to our own-site grain elevators
We know where to get high-quality grain, how to store it safely, and when to distribute it.

We handle, store, and process the product

In our 4 linear grain elevators in Belgorod and Voronezh regions (Belgorod, Livenka, Kolodezny, Volosovo).

> 200 000 tons
Storage capacity
50 000 tons
Average monthly cargo turnover

Grain and oilseed crops, as well as their derivatives (feed, cake, mixed feed)
Special conditions of storage for the producers
Years of experience in cooperation with producers in major agricultural regions of Russia
(Volga, North-West, South and Central Federal District regions)